AP RC 25 Model Primary Schools Action plan is proposed Norms of requirements for the newly established model primary schools (Aadharsha Pradhamika Paatasala) , An assessment of the status/availability of infrastructure in MPS
AP RC 25 Dt.29-12-2015 State Project Director Released action plan for Model Primary schools at Elementary Level
AP Lr.Rc.No:25/Estt-III/MPSL-2015 Dated: 29-12-2015
Andhra Pradesh School Education — Establishment of Model Primary Schools in the State — Action plan is proposed — Submitted— Reg.
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- 1. Report of the Working Group.
- 2. This Offlce Lr,Rc.No:25/Estt-llll‘2015, Dated:30.06.2015.
- 3. G.O.Ms,No.39 to 51 Education (Ser.ll) Department, Dated: 7/
- 4. Revised Proposals of the District Educational officers in the state.
- 5. This Office Lr.Rc.No.25/Estt-IIII2015, Dated:22.09.2015
- 6. G.O Ms.No:86 to 98 Education (Ser.ll) Department, Dated:03.12.2015.
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AP RC 25.Dt.29.12.15 State Project Director Released action plan for Model Primary schools at Elementary Level .
As per the government norms the following are the requirements for the newly established model primary schools (Aadharsha Pradhamika Paatasala)
- 1. Five Class rooms
- 2. Furniture for 100% classrooms
- 3. ICT enabled Smart Class Room with Projector , computer , UPS, digiral learing material, e.t.c
- 4. Library with adequate children literature – library books
- 5. Compound wall adequate number of toilets
- 6. Safe drinking water
- 7. Play ground
- 8. Adequate land for future expansion
- 9. Science kit, Maths kit, Language Kits
- 10. Additional provisioning of e- Learning wall , paintings on wall, Green/Echo friendly schools: Solar power, water harvesting , friendly Schools: Solar power, water harvesting
An assessment of the status/availability of infrastructure in MPS is undertaken in order to develop an action plan for improving the infrastructure and facilities in the identified Model Primary Schools on the lines envisaged in the GOs as per the UDISE Date 2014-15.
K.Sandhya Rani , School Education Project Director
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