AP Memo 596 , English Medium Schools G.O. Ms. No.53, dt.14/8/2015 Kept in abeyance

AP Memo 596 , English Medium Schools G.O. Ms. No.53, dt.14/8/2015 Kept in abeyance English Medium School from 6th to 10th from the Academic Year 2015-16

Memo No. 596/SE.Proq.1/A2/2015 Dt:18 /8/2015 ,School Education  Department  Convertion of SUCCESS Schools as full-fledged English Medium School from 6th to 10th from the Academic Year 2015-16 orders issued vide G.O. Ms. No.53, dt. 14/8/2015- Kept in abeyance

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1.From the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Hyderabad,Lr.Rc.No.24/Estt-111-1/2015, dt:08-01-2015.
 2. G.O.Ms.No. 53,School Education (Prog.1) Dept, dt. 14/8/2015
  1. The attention of the Commissioner & Director of School Education is invited to the references cited and she is informed that the orders issued vide of 2° cited to convert SUCCESS Schools as full-fledged English Medium School from 6th to 10th class from the Academic Year 2015-16 is hereby kept in abeyance until further orders.
  2. She is therefore requested to constitute a Committee to study and hold extensive consultations on the conversion of SUCCESS Schools as full-fledged English Medium Schools from 6th to 10th and submit report of the Committee to Government with necessary recommendations / suggestions required in the matter for further examination.
Download AP Memo 596 G.O. Ms. No.53, dt.14/8/2015 Kept in abeyance Click here

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