AP MDM Enhanced Rates from 1st April 2020 – Primary UP High School New cooking cost. AP Government MDM Cooking Cost Enhanced from 1st April 2020. Primary School each student Rs.4.97 and UP High School each student Rs. 7.45. AP School Education – Mid Day Meal Scheme – Enhancement of cooking cost of Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools under Mid Day Meal Scheme – Orders – Issued. G.O.RT.No. 118 SCHOOL EDUCATION (PROG.I) DEPARTMENT Dated: O8-06-2020.
AP MDM Enhanced Rates from 1st April 2020 Primary UP High School New cooking cost
Read: From the Director, MDM & School Sanitation, Lr.Rc.No.ESE02-27021/67/2020 MDM, dt.21/4/2020.
1. In the reference read abobe, the Commissioner of School Education has stated that the Director (MDM), Gol, MHRD vide F.No.1-2/2018/ Desk (MDM) dt:14- 04-2020 has informed that the Cooking cost has been increased for Primary and Upper Primary classes @ 10.99% w.e.f. 01-04-2020 for the year 2020-2021. The cooking cost will be shared between the Centre and State in the ratio of 60:40 for Primary and Upper Primary classes respectively.
MDM Daily Report Software for AP Primary/ UP/ High School
2. The Commissioner of School Education has stated that the MDM is being provided with 100% State Government assistance for classes IX & X. While stating above, he has requested for enhancement of the cooking cost by 10.99% over and above the existing rates for Primary, Upper Primary, IX & X classes w.e.f. 01.04.2020 under National Programme of Mid Day Meals in Schools.
3. After careful examination of the matter, Government hereby enhance the cooking cost per child per day by 10.99% over and above the existing rates for Primary, Upper Primary, IX & X classes as stated below w.e.f. 01.04.2020:
Enhanced MDM Cooking Cost from 1st April 2020
Stage | Existing rates of cooking cost upto 2019-2D20 | Total | After enhancement of rate (10.99%) by Go w.e.f. 01-04-2020 |
Total | ||
Central Share (6D°f) |
State Share (40%) |
Cooking cost per child per day |
Central Share (60%) |
State Share (40%) |
Cooking cost per child per day |
Primary | 2.69 | 1.79 | 4.48 | 2.98 | 1.99 | 4.97 |
Upper Primary |
4.03 | 2.68 | 6.71 | 4.47 | 2.98 | 7.45 |
Stage | Existing Rate of Cook g Cost up to 2019-2020 | After enhancement rate (10.99%) by Got, w.e. | ||||
Cooking Cost per Child per Day (100% State share) |
cooking Cost per child pE›r Day (100% State Share) |
IX and X classes |
Rs.6.71 | Rs.7.45 |
4. The Director, MDM & School Sanitation, AP. shall take further necessary action in the matter.
5. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (FMU-School Education) Dept., vide their U.O.No.FlN01-FMU0BES(SE)/29/2019, dt.26/05/2020.