AP LPCET 2016 Computer Based Test Guidelines for Online Exam at lpcetap.cgg.gov.in

AP LPCET 2016 Conduct Admission test in Online Computer Based Test on 17-07-2016. Instructions of CBT for AP Language Pandit Admission test. AP LPCET Conduct Guidelines for Students, Insulators, Duties of the District Educational Officer, Duties of Departmental officer, Instructions to IT Manage, Instructions to Centre Owner. How to login AP LPcet Computer based test. Conduct of Computer based test from 17.05.2016 to 19.05.2016 in two sessions per day.

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AP LPCET Computer Based Test Instructions to Candidates, Invigilators 

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Instructions to Candidates : 

Prior to the CBT:

1. Upon receipt of Hall ticket, check for the following details printed in the Hall ticket.
2. Computer Based Test details including the date and time of the CBT, registration number and CBT venue.
3. Check the correctness of name and registration number 

Read the instructions

CBT will start at the <STIPULATED TIME>. CBT duration would be 2 hours minutes.

Please login with the appropriate password been provided in the Admit card  

Read More : Providing of Mock test (Computer based test) Download

After logging in, your screen will display:

  • Profile Information – Check the details & click on “I Confirm” or “I Deny”
  • Detailed CBT instructions – Please read through and understand thoroughly
  • Click the check-box next to “The computer provided to me is in proper condition, I have read and understood the instructions given above”
  • Please click on the “I am ready to Begin” button, after reading the instructions

You have to use the mouse to answer the multiple choice type questions wit four alternative answers 

On the Computer Based Test question screen, the timer will display the balance time remaining for the completion of CBT. If extra time is allotted to you, it will be displayed separately on the top right hand corner of the screen

The question numbers are color coordinated and of different shapes based on the process of recording your response:

i. Red (Inverted Pentagon) – For unanswered questions.
ii. White (Square) – For un-attempted questions.
iii. Green (Pentagon) – For attempted questions.
iv. Violet (Circle) – Marked by candidate for review.
v. Violet (Circle) with a Green tick – Answered but marked by candidate for review.

For each correct (MCQ) response, one mark will be awarded. Zero mark will begiven for questions not answered.

After answering a question, click the SAVE & NEXT button to save your response and move onto the next question

To clear any answer chosen for a particular question, please click on the CLEAR RESPONSE button

At any point of time during CBT, a ready reference of the questions answered, not answered, marked for review. You may to place the cursor over the right top corner termed “SECTION”

Questions that are answered and “Marked for Review” will be considered as ANSWERED

In case you wish to view a larger font size, please inform the Invigilator. On the Invigilator’s confirmation, click on the font size you wish to select. The font size will be visible on the top.

You may view INSTRUCTIONS at any point of time during CBT, by clicking on the INSTRUCTIONS button on your screen

As CBT examination starts by <STIPULATED Time> no extra time will be given for late entrants (as per APPSC requirement)

The SUBMIT button will be activated at the end of 2 ½ hours from the commencement of CBT. Please keep checking the timer on your screen

In case of automatic or manual log out, all your attempted responses will be saved. Also, the CBT will start from the time where it had stopped

Please inform the invigilator in case of any technical i

Don’ts in AP LPCET 2016:

  1. Don’t touch the key board, as your CBT ID will get locked. If your ID gets locked, please inform a nearby invigilator who will help in unlocking your ID and then you can continue with the CBT
  2. Don’t Use of mobile phones, tablet/ipad or other electronic items during theCBT
  3. Do not indulge in malpractice in the CBT room
  4. Do not talk to or disturb other candidates
  5. You cannot leave CBT room before the Stipulated CBT End Time. Please inform the invigilator if you want to use the rest room.

The pre – Examination work was entrusted to Centre for Good Governance, A.P. Hyderabad to take up the following work.

i. Receipt of applications through online
ii. Receipt of complaints/problems from the candidates
iii. Solving of the problems submitted by the candidates
iv. Hall Ticket generation
v. Preparation of Photo Nominal Rolls/Attendance sheet

The Computer Based Test entrusted to A.P. Online, A.P. Hyderabad to take up the following work.

i. Selection of Examination centers.
ii. Identification of Centre owner (Operations Executive) IT Manager and Technical Staff, Invigilators and volunteers. The duties of these persons as shown in annexure.
iii. Training to examination staff
iv. Providing of Mock test (Computer based test)
v. Conduct of Computer based test from 17.05.2016 to 19.05.2016 in two sessions per day.
vi. Awarding of marks 

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