AP GO.No61,Transfers & Postings Employees Human Resources Management-Further orders

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AP GO.No61,Transfers & Postings Employees Human Resources Management-Further orders 

1)Andra Pradesh Government has issued guidelines and instructions for transfer and right placement of employees duly relaxing the ban on transfer of employees imposed in reference first read above for the period from May 18 to 31’ 2015.

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2)Government has issued certain amendments to the guidelines and instructions regarding period of service at a station for mandatory and administrative/optional transfers.

3) In continuation of orders in the references second to fourth read above and after considering the administrative factors, the Government hereby issue following orders for compliance by the concerned. (a) The employees of the Endowments, Roads and Buildings(R&B), the Panchayat Raj Engineering and the Water Resources Departments, who are currently involved in Pushkaram related activities in the East Godavari and West Godavari Districts shall not be relieved from their current positions until further orders. (b The employees working in the Zonal and Multizonal Cadre posts located in the head quarters offices of the Directorate of State Audit, the Commissioner of Survey, Settlement and Land Records and the Director of Economics and Statistics are exempted from the application of orders issued in the references second to fourth read above.

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