AP G.O.146,loan Advance Motor Cycle Mopeds, Cycle Personal Computer, Marriage & Education Advance

AP G.O.RT.NO.146,Dt.21.07.2015, Loans and Advances to the Government Servants working in Education, HOD’s  towards Motor Cycle and Mopeds, Cycle and other Conveyances, Personal Computer, Marriage Advance and Education Advance, for 1st quarter for the financial year 2015 – 2016

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1. G.O. Rt No 145 School Education (SE-OP) Department dated 13/7/2015.

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  1. The GO read above, orders were issued for re-allocation of funds under Loans and Advance to the Government Servants working in Education (SE) Department, HODs and Regional / District Officers towards Motor Cycle and Mopeds, Cycle and other Conveyances, Personal Computer, Marriage Advance and Education Advance, for 1st quarter for the financial year 2015 – 2016.
  2. In the Annexure to the GO, in Column (4) viz. “Secretariat”, against S.No. (5) “Motor Cycle / Mopeds” an amount of Rs. 50,000/- has been shown, inadvertently.  Therefore, the following corrigendum is issued.

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The amount in Col.(4) viz. “Secretariat” against S.No. (5) “Motor Cycles / Mopeds” shall be read as “NIL” instead of Rs. 50000/-.

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