AP GO 69 Extention Degree College Contact Lecturers Period upto 31-03-2016

AP GO 69 Extention Degree College Contact Lecturers  Period upto 31-03-2016. Collegiate Education Extension of contract period in respect of 747 renewed contract lecturers working in various Government Degree Colleges in the State up to 31.03.2016  for the academic year 2015-16 – Order – Issued.

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AP Higher Education (CE.A1) Department G.O.RT.No. 69 Dated: 28-03-2016

Read the following: 

1. G.O.Rt.No.288, H.E (CE) Deptt., dt.24.06.2015.
2. From the CCE., AP., Hyd. Lr.No.19/Ser.II-1/2015, dt.28.12.2015.


1. In the reference 1st read above, Government have accorded permission to the Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad to renew the services of Contract Lecturers working in Government Degree Colleges in the State up to 31-12-2015, who were working on the last working day of last academic year, 2014-15.
2. In the reference 2nd read above, the Commissioner of Collegiate Education has requested the Government to accord permission to extend the contract period up to 31.03.2016 for the academic year 2015-16 in respect of 747 renewed contract lecturers for smooth functioning of the Colleges and for imparting quality education.
3. After careful examination, Government hereby accord permission to the Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad to extend the contract period up to 31.03.2016 for the academic year 2015-16 in respect of 747 renewed contract lecturers for smooth functioning of the Colleges and for imparting quality education.
4. The Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad shall take further action accordingly.
5. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (HR.II) Department vide their  U.O.No. 49686/20/A2/HR.II/2016, dt.24.02.2016. 

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