AP BC Federation Loan Subsidy Enhanced for BC Loans GO 13

AP B.C.Welfare Dept. Enhancement of Loan Subsidy for B.C.Federations. BC welfare Federations Loan Subsidy Increased. Financial Assistance Scheme – Enhancement of Subsidy and Unit Cost under Financial Assistance Scheme – Amendment – Orders– Issued. AP Backward Classes Welfare (C) Department G.O.Ms.No.13 Dated.11.04.2016.

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AP GO 13 Loan Subsidy Enhanced for AP BC Federations 

AP B.C.Welfare Federations Subsidy loans for A.P.Washermen, A.P.Nayee Brahmins, A.P.Vaddera , A.P.Sagara (Uppara), A.P.Valmiki/Boya, A.P.Krishna Balija, Poosala, A.P.Bhattraja, A.P.Medara, A.P.State Viswabrahmins, A.P.State Kummari Shalivahana Cooperative Societies Federations Limited.

Read the following :

  • G.O.Ms.No.101, Social Welfare (SCP-I) Department, Dated.31.12.2013.
  • G.O.Ms.No.4, B.C.Welfare (B3) Department, Dated.7.1.2014.
  • From the Managing Director, A.P.Washermen Cooperative Societies Federation Ltd., Hyderabad Lr.Rc.No.01/APWMCSF/2016, Dated.31.03.2016.


1. In the G.O 1st read above, Government in Social Welfare Department have issued comprehensive guidelines for implementation of Economic Support Schemes by all Welfare Departments.

2. In the reference 2nd read above, on the lines of G.O.Ms.No.101, Dated.31.12.2013, the B.C.Welfare Department have issued guidelines for implementation Financial Assistance Schemes in 10 B.C.Federations. In the said G.O, the existing funding pattern for Financial Assistance in 10 B.C.Federations was as follows:

3. In the reference 3rd read above, the Managing Director, A.P.Washermen Cooperative Societies Federation Ltd., Hyderabad and Managing Director (i/c) of all B.C.Federations have furnished the proposal for enhancement of subsidy under Financial Assistance Scheme is being implemented in 10 B.C.Federations.

4. Government, after careful examination of the matter, hereby issue the following amendment orders duly substituting the following paras of G.O.Ms.No.4, B.C.Welfare (B3) Department, Dated.7.1.2014.


Para 4 (c) is to read as:

The subsidy shall be limited to Rs.1,00,000/- per member (a Society usually have around 15 individuals as members. The subsidy payable shall be Rs.15,00,000/- or less depending on the number of members of Society). The Unit cost will be Rs.2,00,000/- per Member and Rs.30,00,000/- for 15 member group with Bank Loan 50% i.e., 1,00,000/- per Member or Rs.15,00,000/- for 15 members group respectively.

Para 6 (e) is to read as:

The Society is an institution is responsible for repayment of Loan portion received from the Bank in respect of Group Loans.

Para 9 is to read as:

The above guidelines for implemention of Economic support Schemes of (1) A.P.Washermen, (2) A.P.Nayee Brahmins, (3) A.P.Vaddera, (4) A.P.Sagara (Uppara), (5) A.P.Valmiki/ Boya, (6) A.P.Krishna Balija, Poosala, (7) A.P.Bhattraja, (8) A.P.Medara, (9) A.P.State Viswabrahmins, (10) A.P.State Kummari /Shalivahana Cooperative Societies Federation Limited in B.C.Welfare Department shall be undertaken within the budget provision allocated for the purpose for the Financial Year.

5. But for the amendments as above, the Federations are to follow the other guidelines issued in G.O.Ms.No.4, B.C.Welfare (B3) Department, Dated.07.01.2014 as it is.

6. The Managing Directors, (1) A.P.Washermen, (2) A.P.Nayee Brahmins, (3) A.P.Vaddera , (4) A.P.Sagara (Uppara), (5) A.P.Valmiki/Boya, (6) A.P.Krishna Balija, Poosala, (7) A.P.Bhattraja, (8) A.P.Medara, (9) A.P.State Viswabrahmins, (10) A.P.State Kummari Shalivahana Cooperative Societies Federations Limited, Hyderabad shall take necessary action accordingly.

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