TSLPRB SI, Police Constable Physical Efficiency Test Schedule in Telangana at www.tslprb.in

Telangana SCT SIs Physical Measurement Test Dates, Physical efficiency test for Sub Inspectors SIs schedule Call letters from 27-06-2016 in TS The Preliminary Test for Recruitment of SCT SIs in Telangana released in official website www.tslprb.in. Physical Efficiency Test Schedule and Venues in Telangana State for SCT SIs ( Civil/AR/SAR/TSSP) in Police Department of Telangana State https://www.tslprb.in/

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TS Police PMT/ PET for SCT SIs will be held from 27th June, 2016

TS SCT SIs Physical Measurement Test Dates

The Preliminary Written Tests for the recruitment of SCT SI (Civil/AR/SAR/TSSP) in Police department, SIs (Men) in SPF Department and SFO in TS Disaster Response and Fire Services department and SCT SIs (Communications/PTO) was completed and the results were declared.

All the candidates who have qualified in the Preliminary Written Test have to appear for verification of Identity (Aadhaar/Biometric), Scrutiny of filled in online application form along with relevant certificates (with original & Xerox copies) and to undergo Physical measurements Test/Physical Efficiency Test at the designated venues in the district/cities

The schedule is from 27th June, 2016 to 5th July, 2016 for the recruitment of SCT SIs (Civil/etc.,) and SCT Sis (Commns/PTO) as follows:

Period Name of the posts No. of venues No. of
27th June to 05th July,2016 SCT SIs
13 88,875
4th July, 2016 SCT SIs (PTO) 1 388
5th July, 2016 SCT SIs (Commns) 2 1,709

The candidates will be called in two shifts i.e., 600 candidates at 7.00 AM and another 600 at 10.00 AM, total 1200 candidates have to attend per day at the designated venues.

All the candidates are informed that the Intimation Letters for PMT/PET of TSLPRBT SI-2016 can be downloaded from the website www.tslprb.in from 18-06-2016 2.00 PM by giving the following details.

Registration NumberSSC or its equivalent Hall Ticket Number

Help Line Contact Numbers : 

Candidates whose Intimation Letters could not be downloaded may contact supportsi@tslprb.in or 040-23150362 & 040-23150462 by mentioning the above three details.

For the posts of SCT PCs, the PMT/PET will be held from 9th July, 2016 onwards. 

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