TS PH Allowance GO MS 103,DT.24-07-2015 PRC 2015 Blind and PHC Allowances Telangana Employees

Telangana/TS GO MS No 103 PRC 2016 Blind and PHC Allowances to Telangana Employees for Monthly Rs.2000

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Telangana  PH Conveyance Allowances hall be paid at 10% of basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs.2,000/- per month to the Blind and Physically Handicapped employees.

 The Government Order first read above, based on the recommendations of Ninth Pay Revision Commission, orders were issued enhancing the rates of conveyance allowance in the context of introduction of Revised Pay Scales, 2010, while discontinuing the allowance to certain categories as shown in the annexure appended to it.
In the Government Order second read above, based on the recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission, orders were issued for implementing the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 to the State Government Employees.
The Tenth Pay Revision Commission, inter alia, endorsed the recommendation of PRC, 2010 for the deletion of certain categories of posts from the list of posts eligible to the Conveyance Allowance as detailed in Annexure-III of the Manual of Special Pays and Allowancesand recommended for enhancement in monthly rates for the remaining categories.
The Government have accepted the above recommendation of 10th Pay Revision Commission and hereby order the following:
                The existing rate of Conveyance Allowance which is subject to maintenance of Motor Car or a Motor Cycle be increased by 20% rounded off to the nearest ten rupees subject to a maximum of Rs.1050/-(Rupees One thousand and Fifty only)per month.
               That the existing rate of conveyance allowance which is subject to maintenance of Bicycle be raised to Rs.300/- (Rupees Three Hundred only) per month uniformly.

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5.         The posts eligible for Conveyance Allowance are shown in the Annexure appended to this G.O. Conveyance Allowance for Blind and Physically Handicapped employees:
6.         The Government have accepted the recommendations of 10th Pay Revision Commission with modification and hereby order that the Conveyance Allowanceshall be paid at 10% of basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs.2,000/- per month to the Blind and Physically Handicapped employees. All other conditions regarding eligibility, procedure etc., shall remain unchanged.

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7.         These orders shall come into force with effect from 01.07.2015.
8.         Necessary amendments to the Manual of Special Pays and Allowances will be issued in due course.

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