TS Degree Colleges Guest Lecturers Engaging Selection Procedure 2022 – Eligibility Details

TS Degree Colleges Guest Lecturers Engaging Selection Procedure - Eligibility Details

TS Degree Colleges Guest Lecturers Engaging Selection Procedure 2022 – Eligibility Details : Engaging Guest Lecturers in Telangana Degree Colleges Eligibility Selection Procedure. Recruitment of Guest Faculty in Government Degree Colleges in the State. Telangana Collegiate Education – Appointment Guest Faculty in Government Degree Colleges in the State for the remaining period of Academic Year 2020-21–Certain Instructions/Guidelines –Issued. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMISSIONER OF COLLEGIATE EDUCATION, TELANGANA STATE: HYDERABAD. The Principals are informed that the following Guidelines are hereby issued with regard to engaging Guest Faculty on hourly basis in the Government Degree Colleges in the State for the remaining period of Academic Year 2020-21 only.

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TS Degree Colleges Guest Lecturers Engaging Selection Procedure 2022  – Eligibility Details

All the Principals of Government Degree Colleges in the State shall notify the allotted number of guest lecturers as given in the Annexure through press note and complete the whole process within a week.

2. The Guest Faculty will be selected by the following Three Member Committee i.e.,

  • Principal of Identified College.
  • Principal of the College.
  • Subject Expert of the College.

3. The Selection will be made based on the following conditions:

  • i) Minimum 55% of marks in PG and for SC/ST minimum 50% of Marks in PG.
  • ii) Ph.D.in the concerned subjects will be given preference. In case of Ph.D. qualified students candidates are not available, NET/SLET qualified candidates can be engaged. In any subject, if no Ph.D. or NET/SLET qualified candidates are available then PG qualified candidates in that subject can be engaged.
  • iii) The Candidates with teaching experience will be given weight age (Service Certificate produced).

4. The Guest Faculty will be paid as per G.O.in the reference 5th read above for a maximum of 72 hours in a month.
5. Their services may be utilized till the end of the academic year.
6. The candidates should give an undertaking that they will not claim for regularization of their services in future.
7. The Guest Faculty engaged may be informed that they are not entitled for any kind of benefits on par with the regular employees since they are purely engaged on hourly basis payment.
8. The Guest Faculty engaged are instructed to maintain teaching diaries and submit work done statements promptly.
9. Remuneration will be paid to the Guest Faculty after obtaining work done statements from the Guest Faculty concerned, duly attested by HOD concerned.
10. Guest Faculty who do not academically perform well (i.e. Regularly engaging the Classes, Coverage of Syllabus, Internal Examinations) in the academic year in which they are engaged as Guest Faculty, the Principal reserves the right to terminate their services immediately.
11. If the Guest Faculty is found to be indiscipline in discharging his/her duties, he/she shall be terminated.
12. The Guest Faculty will be disengaged on the last instruction day (As per the concerned University almanac).
13. Biometric attendance should be strictly followed by all the Guest faculty working in Government Degree Colleges and their remuneration will be paid for days attended as per Biometric attendance only, as per work done.
14. In case any Regular/Contract lecturer is posted in the college, the services of guest lecturer will be disengaged immediately without any further notice.
15. The Services of Guest Faculty shall ‘NOT be Auto Renewed’ in the next Academic Year. In case, any Guest faculties are to be engaged in the next Academic Year, they shall be engaged through fresh selections only.

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