National Achievement Survey 2022 NAS Questionnaire Survey link in TS and AP Schools. NAS Questionnaire Survey 2022 for National Achievement Survey in AP & TS School Headmaster, Teachers. The Ministry of Education (MoE) will conduct National Achievement Survey link 2022. As many as 1.23 lakh schools in 733 districts across 36 districts and Union Territories will take part in NAS 2022. NAS, a sample-based survey, is held nation-wide to assess learning achievements of students. NAS 2022 Questionnaire Survey in Form I and Form II for School Head / Principals, Teachers as per Rc.No.ESE02/290/2021-SCERT Date:14/02/2022.
NAS Questionnaire Survey 2022 for National Achievement Survey in AP & TS School Headmaster, Teachers
School Education SCERT- National Achievement Survey 2022 – Developing the questionnaire Survey in Form I and Form II (one for School Head / Principals and the second for Teachers) to access the time spent by teachers on various activities, including both teaching and non-teaching activities -Reg.
Read: Govt. Memo.No.ESE01-SEDNOCSE/105/2022 SE (PROG.II) Department, Dated:02.02.2022
A copy of the Government Memo together with its enclosures received through reference read above is herewith sent to all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State, wherein Government have informed that the Deputy Secretary to Gol, DOSEL, MoE has requested to ensure that the Form I is filled by the School Head / Principal and Form II is filled by at least 1% of teachers, including Primary,. Upper Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary Teachers in State and these questionnaires are to be filled directly online and filling of all Google survey forms to be completed latest by 15th February, 2022.
Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to issue necessary instructions to the filed functionaries and submit report immediately.
National Achievement Survey 2022 Details
Name of the Post | NAS Questionnaire Survey |
Title | Download NAS Questionnaire Survey Official link |
Subject | NCERT released NAS Questionnaire Survey link |
Category | Questionnaire Survey |
Proceeding Date | 14-12-2022 |
Classes | Class 3, Class 5, Class 8 and Class 10 |
NAS website | |
NAS Papers | Download NAS 3rd, 5th, 8th Class Model Question Papers |
School Teacher Questionnaire Survey Form : (For Teachers)
Study on time spent by Teachers on various activities, including teaching and non-teaching activities Instructions:
A Google survey questionnaire has been developed by the Department for School Teachers to assess the time spent by teachers in various activities including both teaching and non-teaching activities. This survey is being conducted to collate date at the central level to assess the time spent. by teachers on non-teaching activities and its adverse impact on school education. Therefore, kindly, attempt each and every question. Question wise instructions are given within the question. if required. Most of the questions have table or list to be filled-in. In some questions your responses. in the long text form are required. Please write you response very clearly within the given word limit. If you are not able to complete the form at a time, please save the draft. After completing the form, please press the submit button.
NAS Questionnaire Survey 2022 for All questions which appear are mandatory and no question should be left blank
1) Name of the Teacher:
2) Gender:
3) Mobile: Male/Female
4) Email:
5) Name of the School:
6) Full Postal address of the School:
7) School/UDISE Code:
8) Village/Ward:
7) School/UDISE Code:
8) Village/Ward:
9) Block:
10) District:
11) Pin code:
12) State/UT:
13) Type of Teacher: Regular/ Contractual
(Contract teachers include all categories of teacher other than regulur teachers)
14) Educational Qualification:
- a) Below Secondary.
- b) Secondary.
- c) Sr. Secondary
- d) Graduate
- e) Post Graduate
- f) M. Phil
- g) P.H.D.
(Please only mentioned the highest Qualification)
15) Social Group.
- a) General
- b) SC
- c) ST
- d) OBC
- e) Minority : Other (Please Specify)
16) Total Teaching Experience (In years):
17) Total Working Years in Current School:
18) Number of Working days during the Current academic year:
19) Lowest Class in the School:
20) Highest Class in the School:
21) Type of School:
- a) Boy
- b) Girls
- c) Co-education
22) Shifts in School:
Form-1 :
Form-2 :
Download Proceedings and Form I & II