AP Vidya Vikaasam Program Instructions and Details Rc 2

AP Vidya Vikaasam Program Instructions and Details Rc 26 Rc. No. 26/13/AC/SCERT/2017 Dated: 06-04-2018 Certain Instructions for participations of Vidya Vikaasam Program Guidelines for Sunrise Andhra Pradesh Sub:- School Education- Assessments -Conduct of Launch of Vidya Vikaasam program by Hon’ble MHRD for State and State Level Dissemination workshop and review of districts performance by all key district level officials – Dissemination of Assessment insights [NAS, SLAS, ASER, SA1], review of district performance and presentation by districts cf their Action plan- Vidya Vikaasam Program- Certain instructions for participation -issued —Reg.

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AP Vidya Vikaasam Program Instructions and Details Rc 26

AP Vidya Vikaasam Program Instructions and Details Rc 26
AP Vidya Vikaasam Program Instructions and Details 

As per R C No 26, A.P Govt. is planning to conduct Vidya Vikaasam program. In this context, Department of School Education has designed a comprehensive learning enhancement program called Vidya Vikaasam- with an objective to implement systemic and systematic programs that will drive overall improvement in learning outcomes. Specifically, Vidya Vikaasam will use Assessments and student performance data as a lever to identify gaps and holistically improve the pedagogy in classrooms, identify and delivery focused training to teachers, design and implement targeted remediation to students and create awareness in communities. In preparation for the Academic Year, 2018-19 and to utilize the summer vacation to implement certain related initiatives,Vidya Vikaasam is being launched now.

It is the endeavor of the Department of School Education to reach out to all students and teachers in the state through successful implementation of Vidya Vikaasam. To generate momentum and shift the needle of focus to learning of children across the state, the Hon’ble Minister for HRD for State has kindly agreed to formally launch Vidya Vikaasam on April 12th.

Links to specific survey reports are included below.

1) Link to NAS Reports: lattpl
2) Link to NAS Dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/shared/J74TTN8HH?:toolbar=no&:display.count=yes
3) Link to ASER Reports: https// : words 315.html
4) Link to SLAS Reports: https://goo.gl/Zf7wgf

In this context, Department of School Education has designed a comprehensive learning enhancement program called Vidya Vikaasam- with an objective to implement systemic and systematic programs that will drive overall improvement in learning outcomes. Specifically, Vidya Vikaasam will use Assessments and student performance data as a lever to identify gaps and holistically improve the pedagogy in classrooms.

AP Vidya Vikaasam program Action plan Certain Guidelines Instructions:

Department of School Education has designed a comprehensive enhancement program called Vidya Vikaasam- with an objective to Implement syste systematic programs that will drive overall improvement In learning outcomes.Speci Vidya Vikoasam will use Assessments and student performance data as a lever to identify gaps and holistically improve the pedagogy in classrooms, identify and delivery focused training to teachers, design and implement targeted remedlation to students and create awareness in communities.

In preparation for the Academic year, 2018-19 and to utilize the summer vacation to Implement certain related Initiatives, Vklya Inkaasam Is being launched now.

It Is the endeavor of the Department of School Education to reach out to all students and teachers in the state through successful implementation of Indy Lnkaasam.
Teleconference with FUOSEs, DEOsc DCEB Secretaries, State Assessment Cell members &District Assessment cell members on preparation for Dist. Workshops scheduled.

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Complete presentation with relevant information and send back to SCERT DEO, AMO, DCEB Secretary & District Assessment cell members of the District concerned 10.04.18 0 Provide feedback on presentation to districts SCERT 10.04.18 5 Revise presentation based on feedback and send back to SCERT DEO, AMO, DCEB Secretary & District Assessment cell members of the District concerned 11.04.18

Further they are requested to conduct District Level Dissemination workshop and Reviews with all Deputy Educational Officers, Mandel Education officers, Academic Monitoring.

Download Vidya Vikaasam Program instructions for participation 

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