AP PECET Notification 2023 (B.P.Ed/ DP.Ed) 2023 AP PECET Online Apply last date

AP PECET Notification

 AP PECET Notification 2023 AP PECET (B.P.Ed/ DP.Ed) Notification 2023 Released | AP PECET Online Apply last date

AP PECET Notification Download 2023 AP PECET (B.P.Ed/ DP.Ed) Notification 2023 released | AP PECET Online Apply last date : AP Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed) will be a two (2) year course. PECET officials will issue the AP State Physical Education Common Entrance Test 2023. Andhra Pradesh State Physical Education Common Entrance Test 2023.

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AP PECET 2023 Notification, Download schedule for BPEd DPEd Entrance Test

(AP PECET-2023 online Apply last date) conduct for Admission into the B.P.Ed & DP.Ed courses offered by the Universities and affiliated colleges in Andhra Pradesh State for the academic year 2023-24. ap pecet 2023 notification schedule, BPEd cet, BPEd entrance test 2023, online Application Form, Hall Tickets, Results, physical education entrance test 2023, BPEd cet Notification 2023.

AP PECET Notification 2023 . Eligible Candidates, who wish to apply for AP PECET-2023, may Submit their Applications Through Online Only. Candidates are Required to go Through Different phases such as Physical Efficiency Test and Skill Game Test in Order to Appear for AP PECET 2023. Ap pecet Hall Ticket BPED DPED Hall Ticket 2023 

Details For AP PECET 2023 

Category Entrance Exams
Level of Exam State Wide
Examination Name AP PECET 2023
Issue of Notification 23rd – March-2023
Qualification Intermediate / Degree
Examination conducted on  june 6th to 10th – 2023 
Official Website http://sche.ap.gov.in

AP PECET 2023 for BPEd DPEd Entrance Test Notification & Schedule

 AP PECET Notification  2023 Andhra Pradesh PECET Application Form 2023 – Check Eligibility, Exam Dates, Notification, Syllabus, Previous Papers, Exam Pattern. Andhra Pradesh Physical Education Common Entrance Test – AP PECET is an Entrance test for candidates to get admission in B.P.Ed & DP.Ed. In many states of India, it is a pre-requisite for candidates to qualify the Entrance test in order to join for the admissions in Andhra Pradesh Universities/Colleges.

Eligibility Criteria of AP PECET 2023 :

బీపీఈడీ కోర్సుకు ఏదైనా బ్యాచిలర్ డిగ్రీ, డీపీఈడీ కోర్సుకు ఇంటర్‌లో ఉత్తీర్ణత. ఇంటర్/డిగ్రీ ఫైనల్ ఇయర్ పరీక్షలు రాసిన అభ్యర్థులు కూడా దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవచ్చు.

Domicile and Nationality

1. The candidate must be of Indian origin.

2. The candidate must be a resident of Andhra Pradesh and meet the requirements for Local / Non-Local status as outlined in the Andhra Pradesh State Educational Institutions Act of 1974, as amended.

Scheme of Entrance test for B.P.Ed.(Two years) and U.G.D.P.Ed. (Two Years) Courses:

The Common Entrance Test for entry of students into B.P.Ed. (Two years) and U.G.D.P.Ed. (Two years) Courses Comprise of two parts, namely

  1. Physical Efficiency Test and
  2. Skill Test in Game.

These tests will be conducted as follows :

Physical Efficiency Test: Maximum 400 marks :

For each of the events, marks shall be awarded, by using the conversion tables approved by the AP PECET Committee.

For Men Candidates For Women Candidates
Compulsory events (No Option) a) Compulsory events (No Option)
i. 100 meters run 100 Marks i. 100 meters run 100 Marks
ii. Putting the shot (6 Kgs.) 100 Marks ii. Putting the shot (4 Kgs.) 100 Marks
iii. 800 meters run 100 Marks iii. 400 meters run 100 Marks
With an option to choose any one of the following events b) With an option to choose any one of the following events
iv. Long Jump / High Jump 100 Marks iv. Long Jump / High Jump 100 Marks

 AP PECET Notification  The Candidate has to choose either High Jump or Long Jump. A candidate has to mention option in the application. Changing of an option at the time of test is not permitted.

Skill Test in Game: Maximum Marks are 100

The skills of the candidate shall be tested in any one of the following games opted by the candidate :

1. Ball Badminton 7. Kabaddi
2. Basketball 8. Kho-Kho
3. Cricket 9. Shuttle Badminton
4. Football 10. Tennis
5. Handball 11. Volleyball
6. Hockey

How to Apply Online for AP PECET 2023 Notification

  • open the official site of AP PECET @ sche.ap.gov.in
  • See the Recruitment Option
  • Download that notification
  • Clearly, refer all the details in it
  • Submit the form
  • Take the hard copy of the Submitted application.

Educational Qualifications AP PECET Notification 2023 

B.P.Ed Course
1. Candidates must have a three-year degree from an Andhra Pradesh university or an equivalent degree from another university.

2.Candidates who have appeared in the final year degree examination or who have passed compartmentally are also eligible. At the time of counselling, candidates must be required to present their mark memos and pass certificate.

3. The candidate must be at least 19 years old on July 1, 2023.

U.G.D.P.Ed Course for AP PECET Notification 

1. The candidate should have passed Intermediate or equivalent course recognized by the government of Andhra Pradesh.

2The Candidates who have appeared in the final year Intermediate examination / compartmentally passed shall also be Eligible. Candidates Must be Required to produce marks memos and pass certificate at the time of  counselling.

3. The candidate Must have Completed 16 years of age on 1 / 7 / 2023. 

AP PECET 2023 Application Fee

For SC / ST Candidates : Rs. 650
For Other Candidates : Rs. 850

Important Dates for AP PECET 2023:

1. Notification of AP PECET 2023 : 07-03-2023
2. Commencement of Submission of Online application forms : 10-03-2023
3. Last date for submission of online applications without late fee(Registration fee Rs.850 for OC/BC , Rs.650/-for SC/ST) : 20-05-2023
4. Last date for submission of online applications with late fee of Rs. 500/-(+ (Registration fee Rs.850 for OC/BC, Rs.650/-for SC/ST). —
5. Correction of online application data already submitted by the candidate —
6. Downloading of Hall-tickets from the website http://www.sche.ap.gov.in/pecet —
7. Date of AP PECET – 2023 Examination —
8. Time of Examination —
9. Declaration of Results —

Andra Pradesh State PECET 2023 details on its Official website: https://sche.ap.gov.in/APSCHEHome.aspx

Apply online for AP PECET 2023 (BPEd Entrance Test) Notification

Q: How can I apply for AP PECET?

A: Candidates can apply for AP PECET by visiting the official website of AP PECET and filling out the online application form. The application fee can be paid through online mode.

Q: What is the exam pattern of AP PECET?

A: The exam consists of two parts: Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Skill Test. PET consists of 400 marks and Skill Test consists of 100 marks.

Q: What is the syllabus for AP PECET?

A: The syllabus for AP PECET includes topics such as long jump, high jump, running, shot put, basketball, kabaddi, volleyball, and tennis.

Q: When will the AP PECET exam be conducted?

A: The exam dates for AP PECET are usually announced by APSCHE in the month of April or May, and the exam is typically conducted in the month of May or June.

Q: What is the cutoff for AP PECET?

A: The cutoff for AP PECET varies every year, and it depends on factors such as the difficulty level of the exam, the number of applicants, and the number of available seats. Candidates who score above the cutoff marks will be eligible for admission.


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