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AP Inter Lecturers, Principal Transfers Guidelines 2016
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AP Inter jr. lecturers Transfers Online Application |
Transfer by Counseling Details :
(b) All transfers shall be made through offline Counselling duly following the norms stipulated thereon in a transparent manner under the supervision of observers of Commissioner of Intermediate Education at Regional Joint Director of Intermediate Education level.
(c) The employees who worked in any category and proceeded on long leave shall only be posted to the same place except for the cases when they are liable to be transferred otherwise.
Eligibility to apply for transfer:
The employees who completed 5 years of service at station as on 01.06.2016 are liable for transfer. The Employees (Minimum Time Scale holders) who completed 2 years of service at station as on 01.06.2016 are eligible to apply request transfer in a clear vacancy.
Schedule of Transfers:
Commissioner of Intermediate Education shall draw schedule for effecting transfers http://www.cie.ap.gov.in/.
Read the following:-
1) G.O.Ms.No.102, Finance/(HR.I.PLG.POLICY)/ Department, Dated:10.6.2016.
2.Representation of General Secretary, Govt.Jr.Lecturers’ Association, Amaravathi, A.P., dated:Nil.
3) From the Commissioner of Intermediate Education, A.P., Hyderabad Lr.Rc.No.Ser.II-2/925/2016, Dated:13-062016.
Inter Employees Entitlement Points:
The entitlement points as following shall be awarded to the candidates liable for transfer and eligible for transfer.
(a) Present station:
(i) For every completed year of service in places with 20% HRA : 02 points
(ii) For every completed year of service in places with 14.5% HRA : 04 Points
(iii) For every completed year of service in places with 12% HRA [other than Tribal area] : 06 points
(iv) For every completed year of service in notified Tribal areas : 08 points
(v) For completion of 6 months and below 1 year, half of the prescribed points are given
Note:- The period of absence/ leave for more than a year shall be deducted while giving points
(b) 2nd year Results in IPE March, 2016:
(i) 0% to 40% NIL points
(ii) 41% to 60% 05 points
(iii) 61% to 75% 10 Points
(iv) 76% to 90% 15 points
(v) 91% to 100% 20 points
Examinations [only for Principals and Teaching Staff] :
(i) In case of Principals, the College performance will be taken as criteria.
(ii) Where more than one Junior Lecturer exist in a College, the number of students appeared, passed and percentages shall be ascertained through a certificate of the Principal showing all persons in the subject. The Principal concerned will be held responsible for the correctness of the Certificate.
(iii) The results of Intermediate Public Examination March, 2016 as communicated by the Department and published in the website www.cie.ap.gov.in only will be considered.
(c) Other Categories:
(i) Unmarried female employee / widow : 10 points
(ii) Spouse employment in State or Central Government/ Aided/ Public Sector establishment only [The applicant seeking transfer under this category shall produce certificate issued by the Head of the Office where the spouse is working as proof of place of working] : 10 points
(iii) Physically handicapped [where above 40% disability] : 10 points
(iv) The following life threatening diseases for Self, Spouse and dependent Children only : 25 points
(1) Cancer
(2) Open Heart Surgery only
(3) Neuro-Surgery
(4) Bone TB
(5) Kidney Transplantation/ Dialysis
The applicant seeking transfer under this category shall produce the discharge summary and all detailed Medical certificates from referral Hospital
(v) For the following diseases : 05 points
(1) Physical & Mental retardness of children [recent medical certificate along with photographs to be enclosed]
(2) Other heart ailments [i.e., Angioplasty, Bypass Surgery]
(3) Persons who suffered with serious accidents within the last one year and are partially disabled/ incapacitated.
Criteria for transfers:
(a) (1) No person shall be transferred before completion of 2 (Two) years of service in a particular station as on 01.06.2016.
(2) No person shall be retained beyond 05 years of stay as on 01.06.2016. Service in all cadres at a station will be counted while calculating the period of Stay.
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