TS KGBV Results / Merit List 2024 Download KGBV Merit List, Cut off Marks @ ssa.telangana.gov.in

TS KGBV Results Merit List 2023 Download KGBV Merit List, Cut off Marks

TS KGBV Results / Merit List 2024 Download KGBV Merit List, Cut off Marks

TS KGBV Results / Merit List 2024 Download KGBV Merit List, Cut off Marks Telangana Administered the TS KGBV Examinations to all participants. The TS KGBV Results are available on the official website at ssa.telangana.gov.in. Aspirants who took the TS KGBV Examinations can now download their results online. The TS KGBV Exams were held on May 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 2024. All candidates who took this Examination Must Download the TS KGBV Results online. The results were only declared online by the Authority. There is no offline mode for Releasing KGBV Results. This Examination had a large  Number of Applicants. Read the Entire Article For More Details on the TS KGBV Results 2024.

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Important Dates of TS KGBV Results 2024

Conducted by SSA Telangana
Examination Name TS KGBV
Examination date for Special Officers July 2nd, 2024
KGBV Exam for PGCRT July 3rd, 2024
KGBV Exam for CRT, PET July 4th, 2024
Result status 4th week of July
Number of posts  1241 
Official web portal ssa.tealangana.gov.in

Telangana KGBV Cut off Marks, Selection List @ ssa.telangana.gov.in

TS KGBV Results are Now Available online. Aspirants who have passed the tests can now download. The TS KGBV Examinations were held on July 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 2024 for all applicants who applied for the SO, PGCRT, CRT, and PET positions. There is no need for aspirants who have finished the tests and are eagerly awaiting the TS KGBV Results to wait for a long time. The TS KGBV Results are Now Available online. There are 1241 open positions. The Exam was held at several test Centres in Telangana. Through this examination, candidates can get admission to the Authority’s Numerous teaching and non-teaching programmes.

TS KGBV Cut off Marks

Candidates who have finished the exams are awaiting the merit lists and cut off marks. The authorities will compile Merit Lists based on the TS KGBV Cut off marks. Candidates can only get the cut off marks online. In order to qualify for the examination, applicants must achieve the following marks.

Category Cut off marks in %
OC 40
BC 35
SC, ST 30
PH (physically handicapped) 30

TS KGBV Merit List Check 2024

TS KGBV (Telangana Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya) Merit List is a compilation of names or roll numbers of candidates who have secured the highest marks or ranks in the selection process for various positions in KGBV Schools in Telangana. The Merit list is prepared Based on the performance of candidates in the written Examination, interview, and other selection stages.

The TS KGBV Merit List serves as a crucial document for determining the final selection of candidates for the available vacancies. It indicates the candidates who have performed exceptionally well and are considered eligible for appointment to the respective positions in KGBV schools.

The preparation of the merit list follows a predetermined set of rules and criteria established by the conducting authority. These criteria may include factors such as marks obtained in the written examination, interview performance, reservation policies, and any additional criteria specific to the recruitment.

Once the TS KGBV Merit List is released, candidates can check their names or roll numbers to determine if they have been shortlisted for the next stage of the selection process or a final appointment. Candidates who find their names or roll numbers in the merit list are usually required to fulfill further formalities, such as document verification and counseling, before being offered the appointment letter.

How to Download the TS KGBV Results 2024

Download the TS KGBV (Telangana Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya) results, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Visit the official website: Go to the official website of the concerned KGBV or the conducting authority responsible for the recruitment.
  2. Look for the “Results” section: Navigate to the “Results” or “Recruitment” section on the website. Check if there is any specific notification or announcement regarding the release of the TS KGBV results.
  3. Find the relevant result link: Look for the link related to the TS KGBV results for the specific recruitment you appeared for. It may be labeled as “TS KGBV Contract Resident Teachers Results” or similar.
  4. Click on the result link: Click on the result link to proceed to the result page.
  5. Enter required details: On the result page, you may be asked to enter certain details such as your registration number, roll number, date of birth, or any other information to access the results. Provide the required details accurately.
  6. Submit the details: After entering the required details, click on the “Submit” or “Get Results” button to submit the information.
  7. View and download the results: Once the information is submitted successfully, the TS KGBV results will be displayed on the screen. Review your result and check your qualifying status, marks obtained, and other relevant information. If available, you may have the option to download or print the result for future reference.
  8. Save a copy for reference: It is recommended to save a digital copy of the TS KGBV result on your device or take a printout for your records and future use.

Get TS KGBV Results: Click Here
Official website: Click Here

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