AP Primary Schools Teachers Activities, Timings for Re-opening of Schools 2023

AP Primary Schools Teachers Activities, Timings for Re-opening of Schools 2023: AP Primary Teachers to attend Schools daily 7.30 to 11.30 am – Bio Metric Must – Activities to be done by primary school teachers. Clarification on Primary School Teachers Timings and Activities to be done by Primary School Teachers – Instructions during the school time as per Memo Rc.No.2023. AP School Education – Re-opening of Schools in a graded manner and Learning with Physical / Social Distancing for the academic year 2023-24 – Activities to be done by Primary School Teachers – Certain Instructions issued – Regarding.

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Primary Schools Teachers Activities, Timings for Re-opening of Schools 2023


  • 1) Instructions of the  Hon’ble Minister for Education on  30-10-2020 during the video conference with all concerned officials.
  • 2) G.O.Rt.No.216, Dated:01.11.2020 from the School  Education (Prog.II) Department,  GoAP.
  • 3) Circular Rc.No.191/A&I/2020, Dt:
  • 4) G.O. Rt. No. 229 S.E.  Dept., dt:  23-11-2020

AP Primary, UP & High Schools Classes Conduct CSE Guidelines

All the regional  Joint  Directors and district  Educational  Officers in the  State are informed that  Government in its orders  2nd  & 3rd  cited have issued orders for the reopening of schools from  2nd November 2020  in a  graded manner i.e.,  Classes  9th   to  12th  from  2nd  November 2020,  Class  8th  from  23rd  November 2020, Classes  6th  &  7th  from  14th  Dec.2020  and  Classes  –  1st  to  5th  after  Sankranti (after assessing the situation)  for  all  schools  under  all  managements  and informed  that,  the  present  scenario  of conducting  of  online classes may be continued until  resuming the regular  classes  for  respective grades  duly  following the  COVID-19  protocol.

Primary Schools Teachers Activities, Timings for Re-opening of Schools
Primary Schools Teachers Activities, Timings for Re-opening of Schools

Activities to be done are:

  • a. to attend school by 9.30  a.m to  1.30  p.m on working days.
  • b. to  take  up  enrolment  of  all  school  age  children  in  the  school  in  consultation with  the  PC  and  the  Anganwadi  Center.
  • c. to  update  the  status  of  distribution of  JVK  kits  and  dry  ration  under  MDM. Necessary  data  entries  to  be  done  in  the  mobile  app.
  • d. to  prepare  the  annual  and  monthly  plans  and  to  ensure  that  the  students attend  to  the  workbooks  given  to  them  under  JVK.
  • e. a  weekly  meeting  with  one  third  (1/3)  of  the  parents  to  be  conducted.  The parents  shall  be  motivated  to  send  their  children  to  schools  from  the  date  of  reopening  of  schools.  The  parents  shall  be  encouraged  to  ensure  that  their  children attend  to  the  workbooks  and  also  to  monitor  online  classes,  clarification  of doubts  and  day  to  day  improvement  of  children’  education.  If  required  they  may visit  every  household  and  create  awareness  among  the  parents  towards  the academic  work  of  their  children,
  • f. the  weekly  work  done  sheet  of  teachers  shall  be  uploaded  in  web  site meant  for  it.
  • g.  undergo  NISTHA  training  without  fail.
  • h. to  make  school  based  activities  such  as  preparation  of  toy-based  TLM  and display  in  school  complex  meeting
  • i. to  study  New  Educational  Policy  thoroughly    in  true  letter  and  spirit.
  • j. to  ensure  that  the  child  info  is  updated  from  time  to  time.

Further  vide  circular  3rd  cited  they  are requested  to  issue instructions to the  field  officers  that  all  teachers  and  headmasters  of  high  schools,  UP  schools and  primary  schools  should  attend  the  schools  everyday  and  also  to  take  their biometric attendance  without  fail.

In  view  of  the  above  circumstances  all the  RJDSEs/DEOs  are  requested  to issue  necessary  instructions  to  all  schools  through  field  level  officer  on  the activities  to  be  done by  primary  school  teachers.

Download Primary Schools Teachers Activities, Timings for Re-opening 

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