Best Service Volunteer Identifying Conducting Felicitation Program on Ugadi – Award Prize Money

AP Best Service Volunteer Identifying Conducting Felicitation Program on Ugadi – Award Prize Money

Best Service Volunteer Identifying Conducting Felicitation Program on Ugadi – Award Prize Money :  AP Village / Ward Volunteers – Identifying the best services of Volunteers – Conducting Felicitation Program to Volunteers on the Eve of Ugadi – Orders as per GO RT No.8 Dated: 01-04-2021. Best Service Volunteer Eligibility – Three leval Seva Mitra , Seva Ratna and Seva Vajra Eligibility Criteria and Financial Incentive. Volunteers in Three (3) Categories: Seva Mitra, Seva Ratna & Seva Vajra and to hold the programs at State, District & Assembly Constituency Level.

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Government is committed to revamp delivery systems in the State with an aim to improve living standards of the people through the concept of NAVARATHNALU as core theme of governance. In order to operationalize Navarathnalu, Government has deployed Volunteers, @1 Person per (50) Households in Rural Areas and 70 -100 households in Urban Areas on honorarium basis for delivering Government Services at doorsteps of all eligible households irrespective of Caste / Creed / Religion / Region / Gender and Political Affiliation. This system ensures leak proof implementation of Government Programmes / Schemes vide references 1st & 2nd read above.

Best Service Volunteer Identifying Conducting Felicitation Program on Ugadi – Award Prize Money

Read the following: –

  • 1. G.O.Ms.No.104, PR & RD (MDL-I) Dept., Dated:22.06.2019.
  • 2. G.O.Ms.No.201, MA & UD (UBS) Dept., Dated:23.06.2019.
  • 3. G.O.Ms.No.110, PR & RD (MDL-I) Dept., Dated:19.07.2019.
  • 4. G.O.Ms.No.217, MA & UD (USB) Dept., Dated:20.07.2019.
  • 5. From the Director, GVWV&VSWS Department, Letter RoC. No.GWS01-COOR/76/2021-GWS (Computer No.1363692)
Best Service Volunteer Identifying Conducting Felicitation Program on Ugadi - Award Prize Money
Best Service Volunteer Identifying Conducting Felicitation Program on Ugadi – Award Prize Money

AP Best Service Volunteer Eligibility cretaria

1. Government is committed to revamp delivery systems in the State with an aim to improve living standards of the people through the concept of NAVARATHNALU as core theme of governance. In order to operationalize Navarathnalu, Government has deployed Volunteers, @1 Person per (50) Households in Rural Areas and 70 -100 households in Urban Areas on honorarium basis for delivering Government Services at doorsteps of all eligible households irrespective of Caste / Creed / Religion / Region / Gender and Political Affiliation. This system ensures leak proof implementation of Government Programmes / Schemes vide references 1st & 2nd read above.
2. The objective of positioning Village /Ward Volunteers is to ensure timely and transparent delivery of services to eliminate the corruption at all levels of administration. Village / Ward Volunteers identify the problems being faced by anybody in his/her jurisdiction and the same is brought to the notice of Gram Panchayat /ULB for resolution.
3. In the references 3rd & 4th read above the Government has established Village / Ward Secretariat System and established 15,004 Village / Ward Secretariats. The Grama / Ward Volunteer System came into existence with effect from 15th August, 2019. The Government has sanctioned 2,66,138 Volunteers on honorarium basis, and they were selected, imparted training, and positioned in respective Clusters / Territorial Units.

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4. Since 15th August 2019,the Village /Ward Volunteers have done exemplary job in delivery of Government schemes / services to the citizens. Some of the major activities rendered by the Village / Ward Volunteers are:

  • 1. Distribution of Pensions on the 1st day of every month.
  • 2. Conducted Navasakam Survey for identification of beneficiaries for Government Welfare schemes.
  • 3. Conducted Household Survey for beneficiary identification under Navaratnalu Program.
  • 4. Conducted 5 rounds of Covid-19 Survey.
  • 5. Assisted citizens during the period of Medical Disaster and COVID -19 Pandemic situation.
  • 6. Distributed Masks, medicines, and essential commodities to the citizens during Disasters like COVID -19, Floods etc.,
  • 7. Creation of awareness to the citizens on Government Welfare Schemes and important laws like Disha Act.
  • 8. Assistance to the Village /Ward Secretariat Functionaries
  • 9. Assistance to the Mobile Dispensing Units for distribution of essential commodities under PDS and taking of Biometric authentication.
  • 10. Delivery of 4 important services at the doorsteps of the citizens: 1. Rice Card 2. Dr. YSR. Aarogyasri card 3. Pension Kanuka 4. House site Pattas.
  • 11. Enrolment of beneficiaries under Jagananna Thodu / PM SVANidhi, YSR Cheyutha and YSR Bima.
  • 12. Creation of awareness on Sanitation .
  • 13. Any other work assigned by the Officials.

5. Keeping in view of extra ordinary work done by the Village / Ward Volunteers, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has decided to Recognize / Award the Best Performing Volunteers on an annual basis so has to motivate and inspire the Volunteers for better service of delivery to the citizens.
6. In the reference 5th read above, the Director, GVWV & VSWS Department has submitted the detailed proposal for felicitating the Volunteers in Three (3) Categories: Seva Mitra, Seva Ratna & Seva Vajra and to hold the programs at State, District & Assembly Constituency Level.

Treee level details of awards as follows

Level 1 – Seva Mitra – Appreciation to all qualifying volunteers

Eligibility Criteria – One year engagement with the Department and no complaints/
To be recognized with a Certificate, Badge and
Financial Incentive – Rs.10,000/- per volunteer

Level 2 – Seva Ratna – Top 5 per each Mandal and Municipality/ 10 per each Municipal Corporation;

Eligibility Criteria – Level 1 + Household Resurvey, Average Month on monthly Pension Distribution and subsequent ranking in descending order
To be recognized with a Medal, Certificate, Badge and
Financial Incentive – Rs.20,000/- per volunteer

Level 3 – Seva Vajra –Top 5 per each Assembly constituency.

Eligibility Criteria – Level 1 + Household Resurvey, Average Month on monthly Pension Disbursement and subsequent ranking in descending order
To be recognized with a Medal, Certificate, Badge and
Financial Incentive – Rs.30,000/- per volunteer

7.Apart from the above eligibility criteria, the performance of Volunteers based on door-to-door delivery of Rice Card, YSR Pension Card and YSR Arogyasri Card will also be considered. Further Qualitative feedback and exemplary work done in situation of Disasters like Covid 19, Medical Emergencies, Floods etc. will be considered.
8.In the context of recognizing and giving awards to the Volunteers and conduct of felicitation program at Constituency, District and State Level, the Director GVWV & VSWS Department has proposed Rs.261.65 Crores Budget requirement.
9.After Careful examination, the Government hereby approves the proposal of Director, GVWV & VSWS Department and sanction Rs.261.65 Crores, subject to meeting the funds from the Vote on Account Budget 2021-22.
10. The Government also hereby approves to launch the program on the occasion of Ugadi Festival i.e., on 13th April, 2021 to felicitate the Volunteers.
11. The District Collectors are directed to take necessary action to conduct one program per day in respective Assembly Constituencies in their Districts.
12. The Director of Grama Volunteers / Ward Volunteers & Village Secretariats / Ward Secretariats Department is requested to issue detailed instructions for conducting Volunteer felicitation Program.
13. This order is issued with the concurrence of Finance (FMU-PR&RD, RWS) Department vide their U.O.No.FIN01-FMU0PC(PRRD)/46/2021-FMU-PRRDRWS (Computer No: 1368977), Dt.24.03.2021.

Identifying the best services of Volunteers & Conducting Felicitation Program Guidelines

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