AP Schools Calendar New Regulations ( New Academic 2024 ) Month Wise Working Days, FA & SA Exam Dates, Class Wise Weightage Marks

AP Schools Calendar

AP Schools Calendar New Academic 2024

AP Schools Calendar ( New Academic) 2024, was Published on June 13th , 2024. Primary School Academic Calendar 2024 The Education Department has issued the Academic Calendar for Primary, Upper Primary, and High Schools for the Academic Year 2024. AP Schools Calendar Download and Verify AP School Holidays, Working Days, FA1, FA2, SA1, SA2 Exam Dates From the Article Below. AP Schools Calendar Updates on the AP Schools Academic Calendar 2024 Can Be Found Here. AP Schools CBA Classroom Based Assessment 2024.

FA1 Question Papers 2024: Download (Updated)
Already AP Schools for the Academic Year 2024 will Re-Open on 13th June 2024

AP Schools Academic Calendar 2024 For Primary School, Upper Primary School, High Schools ( Foundational, High Schools)- Exams Schedule, Term Holidays list Available.

AP Schools Academic Calendar 2024 for Primary, Upper Primary, and High Schools pdf @229 : పాఠశాలలు జూన్ 13 నుంచి తెరుచుకోనున్నాయి. The Commissioner of School Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh CSE AP has announced the Andhra Pradesh School Academic Calendar for Academic Year 2024. The government provides a list of Holidays, School working Days, and AP Exam Schedules in this Academic Calendar. AP Schools School Revised Time Table. The AP School Academic Calendars for Primary Schools and UP/High Schools have Been issued Separately by the government. Download the Telugu Calendar from the links provided below.

AP State School Education Department has issued Instructions and Recommendations to Teachers for Teaching in the State  primary, Upper primary, and high schools. “The Extent of the Measures to be taken by teachers this Academic Year,” According to this subject. According to  the Commissioner of the Department of Education, “school teachers must take extra care to provide Quality Education.” The Education Department has issued the Academic Calendar for the Academic Year 2024 For Primary, Upper Primary, and High Schools. Download the Following Article for AP School Holidays, Working Days, FA1, FA2, SA1, SA2 Exam Dates. Updates on the AP Schools Academic Calendar 2024 can be obtained.AP Schools Calendar New Regulations 2024.

Study Planning For AP School Childrens 2024

AP Schools CalendarPlanning for Studies is an Essential Aspect of Academic Success for Children in AP schools. Here are Some Tips to Help Children plan Their Studies Effectively:

  1. Set Goals: Encourage Children to Set Specific, Achievable Goals For Their Studies. These Goals can be Short-Term (Daily or weekly Targets) or long-term (semester or annual goals). Goals provide direction and motivation for studying.
  2. Create a Schedule: Help children create a study schedule that includes dedicated time for different subjects, revision, and breaks. AP Schools Calendar 2024  Having a structured routine helps children develop discipline and ensures they allocate sufficient time for each subject.
  3. Prioritize Subjects: Assist children in identifying subjects that require more attention or are challenging for them. Encourage them to allocate more study time to these subjects while ensuring a balanced approach to cover all subjects.
  4. Break Tasks into Smaller Chunks: Teach children to break down their study tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. This approach makes studying more manageable, reduces overwhelm, and allows for better Comprehension and Retention.
  5. Use Effective Study Techniques: Guide children on using effective study techniques such as summarizing, highlighting key points, making flashcards, practicing with past papers, and explaining concepts to others. These techniques enhance understanding and retention.
  6. Maintain a Distraction-Free Environment: Encourage Children to Study in a Quiet and well-lit space with minimal distractions, such as turning off electronic devices or keeping them out of reach during study time. A conducive environment promotes focus and concentration.
  7. Take Regular Breaks: Emphasize the importance of taking regular breaks during study sessions. Short breaks help rejuvenate the mind and prevent fatigue. Encourage children to engage in physical activity or relaxation techniques during breaks.
  8. Seek Help and Clarification: Encourage children to seek help from teachers, classmates, or parents if they encounter difficulties understanding certain concepts. Clarifying doubts promptly ensures a strong foundation and prevents knowledge gaps.
  9. Practice Regularly: Encourage children to practice regularly by solving problems, answering sample questions, and engaging in self-assessment. Practice builds familiarity, boosts confidence, and enhances performance.
  10. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Remind children to maintain a balanced lifestyle by getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and engaging in physical activities. A healthy mind and body contribute to better focus and overall well-being. AP Schools Calendar New Regulations.

AP Schools Timings For UP & Primary Schools  2024 – 2024 

Timings for Foundational Schools (Classess 1 to 2 and Classess 1 to 5)
Timings for HIGH Schools  with Classes 3 to 7/8, Classes 3 to 10, Classess 3 to 12 and Classess 6 to 10.
1 TO 5 Classes Subject Wise Weightage 2024

3 TO 10 Classes Subject Wise Weightage -2024


AP Schools Moth wise Working Days 2024

The Number of working Days in AP Schools Calendar Can vary Depending on Factors such asHolidays, vacations, and Any unforeseen Circumstances. However, I Can provide you with a General idea of the Month – wise working days in AP schools, Based on the usual AP Schools Calendar academic calendar:

  1. June: Generally, the Academic year Starts in June, and Schools have Around 19  – 22 working days During this Month.
  2. July: July usually consists of Around 22- 25 working days in AP schools.
  3. August: Schools in AP typically have around 20-23 working days in August.
  4. September: September usually consists of around 20-23 working days in AP schools.
  5. October: October typically has around 22-25 working days in AP schools.
  6. November: November Usually Consists of Around 18-21 working days in AP schools.
  7. December: December typically has around 15-18 working days in AP schools, as it includes winter vacation.
  8. January: January usually Consists of Around 20-23 working days in AP schools.
  9. February: February Typically has Around 20-23 working days in AP schools.
  10. March: March Usually Consists of Around 18-21 working Days in AP schools.
Month June 2024 July 2025 Aug  2025 Sep  2025 Oct  2025 Nov  2025 Dec  2025 Jan  2024 Feb  2024 March 2024 April 2024 Total Days
Total Days 19 31 31 30 31 30 31 31 29 31 23 317
General 16 24 25 22 16 25 24 17 23 22 15 229
Minority 16 24 25 22 22 25 17 18 23 22 15 229
Holidays 3 7 6 8 15 5 7 14 6 9 8 88
Minority 3 7 6 8 9 5 14 13 6 9 8 88

AP Schools FA & SA Exams Time Table 2024-25

Assessment Tentative Exam Dates Syllabus
Formative Assessment-I CBA- I (Classes I to VIII) 1 – 4 August 2024 June, July
Formative Assessment-II 3 – 6 October 2024
August, September
Summative Assessment -I 4-10 November 2024
June to October
Formative Assessment-Ill CBA – II (Classes I to VIII) 3-6 January 2024
November, December
Formative Assessment-IV (For l·IX Classes) 23-27 February 2024
January, February
Pre-final (For Class X) 23-29 February 2024 Total Syllabus
Summative Assessment -II CBA – Ill (Classes I to VIII) 11-20 April 2024 Total Syllabus

AP Schools Holidays 2024

  Holiday Type Dates
Dasara Holidays   14th to 24th October 2024
Christmas Holidays    17 – 26 December 2024
Sankranthi Holidays 2024 09 – 18 January 2024

Frequently Asked Questions For AP Schools Academic Calendar 2024

Q.1 When will the academic year for AP schools start for 2024?

Ans. The specific start date of the academic year may vary, but it typically begins in June or July. The exact date will be mentioned in the academic calendar issued by the AP State Commissionerate of School Education or the District Education Office.
Q.2 What are the major holidays and vacations included in the Academic Calendar?

A. The academic calendar will usually mention the dates for major holidays such as festivals, national holidays, and vacations like summer vacation, winter break, and other regional holidays observed in Andhra Pradesh.
Will there be any mid-term breaks or half-yearly exams mentioned in the academic calendar?

The academic calendar may mention mid-term breaks, half-yearly exams, or other specific assessments that are conducted during the academic year. These dates provide an overview of the important assessment periods.

Q. 3 How many working days are included in the academic calendar?

A. The academic calendar will generally indicate the total number of working days for the academic year. It may also mention the distribution of working days across different terms or months.

Q. Are there any special events or activities mentioned in the academic calendar?

A. The academic calendar may highlight special events, co-curricular activities, sports competitions, or other important occasions planned throughout the academic year.

Q. Will there be any changes or updates to the academic calendar?

A It’s important to note that the academic calendar is subject to changes or updates as per the discretion of the education authorities. Any changes, if made, will be communicated by the respective authorities through official channels.
Q.Where can I access the full academic calendar for AP schools?

A .The full academic calendar for AP schools, including the academic year 2024, is typically published on the official website of the AP State Commissionerate of School Education or the respective District Education Office. It can be downloaded or accessed from these official sources.

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