AP Inter Spot Valuation Dates for Supplementary Released 2024 | Check Dates, New Remuneration Rates For Answer Key Valuation Update 2024

AP Inter Spot Valuation Dates

AP Inter Spot Valuation Dates 2024

AP Inter Spot Valuation Dates On Tuesday April – 2024, the Schedule for Evaluating the Answer Sheets of the Class 10th public Examination was Released. The Evaluation process is set to take place from  2024, and Necessary Arrangements are Being made to Facilitate this. Teachers are required to submit subject and medium-wise lists to the DEO office by the 18th of this Month. Inter Spot valuation Enhanced remuneration Rates 2024 The list of teachers, organized by subject and seniority, will be uploaded to the website on the 25th of this Month.

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In the Event of Objections from Teachers unions, they must be informed by the 28th. After updating the lists, the final version will be announced on the 30th. The documents for the Appointment of AELs, CAs, and Special Assistants will be completed between April 5th and 8th and handed over to the office of the Director of Government Examinations in Vijayawada by the 3rd of April.

AP Inter Spot Valuation 2024, Check Schedule Dates & instructions 2024 

General instructions That are Usually Followed During the ISV Inter Spot Valuation process @ https://bieap.apcfss.in/

  1. The Answer Sheets will be Evaluated by a Group of Teachers at a Centralized location within a Specified Time Frame.
  2. The Teachers who Participate in the ISV Process will be provided with Accommodation and other Necessary Facilities.
  3. The Teachers Must Follow the guidelines and instructions provided by the concerned examination board or the government.
  4. The evaluation process will be closely monitored by officials to ensure accuracy and fairness in the evaluation.
  5. The remuneration for the ISV process will be provided based on the number of days spent on the valuation process and the number of answer sheets evaluated.
  6. The final results of the examination will be announced only after the completion of the ISV process.

All recruits are required to attend a re-orientation program on the barcoding system on April 19.

  • DyEOs/MEOs receive information on teachers (AEs/CEs/Spl.Asst) working in schools (School Assistant lists shall be called for from DyEos and SGTs list from MEOs).
  • Consolidation of subject-wise and Medium-wise Teacher lists in the DEO office (to appoint AEs and CEs).
    Display of teachers seniority and subject lists on a website or other method via Dy.E.Os/MEOs/Unions.
  • Receipt of any Teacher union objections.
  • Teachers list is being updated. Date.
  • Preparation of appointment orders for AEs/CEs Spl. Asst. based on the 6. number provided by the Director of Government Examinations AP, Hyderabad.
  • (30% of the AEs will be appointed extra to cover the shortage caused by absences or medical exemptions).
    Appointment orders are sent to AEs, CEs, and Spl. Assts via email. Assts, via the concerned Head Masters, with instructions to Relieve the School Assistants to Report to the location.

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