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AP GO.1764 Last Date extended upto 30th June 2015 for the Arrear Bills pertaining to Before Bifurcation
1.AP Govt. issued for completion of the submission and passing of arrear bills pertaining to the period prior to bifurcation of erstwhile State of Andhra Pradesh by 31.12.2014 and further extended up to 31.03.2015 vide G.Os 4th, 5thand 6th read above.
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2 .The A.P. Secretariat Association, A.P. NGO’s Association, State Teachers Union (A.P.), and A.P. Teachers Federation brought to the notice of the Government that, still there are cases for clearance and employees are facing difficulty due to expiry of time limit. Further in the reference 11th read above the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P., Hyderabad brought to the notice of the Government that employee related claims like pay fixation, incremental arrears, re-fixation of pay, consequent on regularization of suspension period etc., pertaining to period prior to bifurcation of State may arise at any point of time and hence these claims have to be admitted for audit as and when the departments sanction and submit bills to the treasuries.
3. Government, after careful consideration of the matter, hereby extend the period of submission and passing of bills of arrears and other claims pertaining to the period prior to bifurcation of erstwhile State of Andhra Pradesh i.e. prior to 02.06.2014, up to 30th, June, 2015. Further,Governmenthereby order to continue the apportionment of expenditure in respect of employee related claims pertaining to the period prior to02.06.2014 as and when the issue arises duly following the procedure prescribed in the G.O.Rt.No.2597, Finance (Budget.II) Department dt.21.10.14.
4. All departments shall comply with the above orders to clear such claims.
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