AP Deecet Management quota Seats filling in Private D.Ed. Colleges 2021- AP D.El.Ed Admissions

AP Deecet Management quota Seats filling in Private D.Ed. Colleges 2021-  AP D.El.Ed Admissions : AP Deecet Management quota Seats in Private D.Ed. Colleges , Convener of AP Dietcet 2021 smt P.Parvathi has issued Guidelines as per AP Rc 900 of AP Deecet Management quota Seats in Private D.Ed. Colleges for Filling up of “B” category 20% seats. AP RC 900 Institutions to Filling Category B seats means 20% of the sanctioned intake of the seats in Private Elementary Teacher Training Institutions to be filled by the managements of the respective colleges. Andhra Pradesh Proceedings of the Convener DEECET-2021 & Regional joint Director of School Education, Guntur.

AP Deecet Management quota Seats filling in Private D.Ed. Colleges 2021-  AP D.El.Ed Admissions

1 G.O.Ms.No. 30 School Education (Prog-II) Department dated 08.07.2015
2.Govt., Memo. No. 58761/Prog-II/A1/2015 dated 8.09.2015.
3.Procs. Rc.No. 3888/B/SCERT/2015 dated 08.10.2015 of the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad.
4.This office Proc.Rc.No.900/A1/2015 dated:05.12.2015

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All the Correspondents/Principals of Private D.El.Ed. Colleges in the state are hereby informed that while filling up of “B” category seats (20%) in their colleges.

The following guidelines are to be followed scrupulously without any deviation

AP Deecet Management quota Seats filling in Private D.Ed. Colleges 2021

AP DEECET-2015 Filling up of “B” category seats (20%) in Private D.El..Ed. Colleges

Read following GOs :
1. ‘Category B seats’ means 20% of the sanctioned intake of the seats in Private Elementary Teacher Training Institutions to be filled by the managements of the respective colleges as per the following eligibility conditions and subject to approval by the competent authority.
2. The candidates of OC and BC should secure 50% of marks and SC, ST and PHC candidates should secure 45% of marks in aggregate in the qualifying examination (Intermediate or its equivalent) for filling up of “B” category seats (20%) in private D EI Ed colleges in the state.3. Candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 01.09.2015. There shall be no upper age limit for admission into DEECET-2015
4. The qualifying marks in DEECET – 2015 for OC & BC is 40 marks and for SC,ST and PHC is 35 marks for DEECET-2015 as per Govt. Memo No. 58761/Prog-II/A1/2015 dated 28.09.2015 and Clarification in Procs. Rc.No. 3888/B/SCERT/2015 dated 08.10.2015 as a special case.
5. The Institution shall notify all the details of seats available under category ‘B’ (20%) and conduct the admissions as per norms in a fair and transparent manner.
6. All the institutions included in SW- I and SW – II shall be obtained approval of Convener of DEECET for all the admissions under category “B” by submitting the details of admissions made.
7. The managements of Private D.El.Ed Colleges in the state are informed to adhere to the rules and regulations strictly issued in G.O.Ms.No. 30 School Education (prog-II) Dept., dated 08.07.2015 and amendments issued thereon without fail.
8. The management of Private D.El.Ed Colleges in the state are informed to complete the admission process for ‘B’ category seats (20%) on are before 29 -02 -2016
9. After completion of admissions the management of Private D.El.Ed Colleges in the state should submit the original certificates/Rank card and relevant certificates of the candidates admitted in “B” category (20%) to the Principal Govt. DIET of respective district for verification on or before 01.03.2016 for getting the approval of the convener DEECET – 2015. Any deviation in this regard the management will be held personally responsible for any other consequences arise in future.
10.The Principals Govt. DIETs in the State are informed to verify the certificates and eligibility of the candidates admitted in “B” category seats duly following the norms prescribed by the Government in G.O.Ms.No. 30 School Education (Prog-II) Department dated 08.07.2015 and amendments issued there on and submit the list along with original certificates college wise for the approval of the Convener DEECET -2015 on or before 05.03.2016.

AP RC 900 Guidelines of DEECET B Seats fill up Copy Download

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