10TH Class REVALUATION & RE VERIFICATION DATE 2023 Application for AP SSC Recounting 2023 BSEAP 10th Revaluation Re Verification Date Fee Check Information. Apply Form for AP SSC Re Verification Date 2023 Fees Deadline for SSC Revaluation Form 2023 Fees for the Ap SSC Recounting Application Form The Final Date is 2023. Dates, Times, and On the Board’s official website, bse.ap.gov.in, you can get the PDF for the BSEAP SSC Re-verification Recounting Result, Date Form Date. SSC 10th Class Results were released by the AP BSEAP Board on May 6, 2023 at 11:00 in the Morning. All students who received fewer points on the Board Test Results can Now Request Re-Verification and Recounting. The Board Announces the AP SSC Recounting Result 2023 a Few Days after the Recounting Application form is finished.

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10th Class Revaluation Form 2023, Fees and Important Dates

Board of Secondary Education of Andhra Pradesh (BSEAP) has announced the class 10 board exam results for 2023 as of today, May 6. The board held a press conference to reveal the Manabadi SSC results. Students who are not happy with their results and wish to submit their board test answer sheets for Re-verification or Recounting are Anticipated to Submit their Applications Till May 13, 2023 . The overall pass rate for kids taking the class 10th examinations is 72.26%, according to media reports. Boys Pass Rate of 69.27%, while Girls Pass Rate of 75.38%.

BSEAP SSC Re – Verification Recounting Application Form 2023

SSC Re-verification Recounting Application Form deadline and date were announced by the Andhra Pradesh Board Following the Release of the SSC Results. All students who are Dissatisfied with their grades or who received lower marks in any subject are Eligible to Apply. AP SSC Supplementary Exam (Tentative Dates) 2023 Application for AP SSC Recounting 2023 BSEAP 10th Revaluation Verification again Due Date Complete details for the application form Use the time and date or the AP SSC Recounting Result 2023 Detalis. 

Revaluation or Recounting application form for AP 10th Class Results 2023

SSC/10th Class Re-Verification Application has Been Released by the Andhra Pradesh State Directorate of Govt Examinations (BSEAP). Re-verification for the purpose of raising Revaluation Marks. The candidates will submit a BSEAP Re-Verification Application for the value of subject-specific answer sheet scripts and supply of Xerox copies with a charge of Rs. 1000/- for each subject if the student was unsuccessful and had checked their 10th class answer sheets.

AP 10th Results Recounting Application Form

AP 10th class results, you can Apply for Revaluation/Recounting of your answer sheets. The Application form for AP 10th class Result Revaluation/recounting can be obtained from the official website of the Board of Secondary Education, Andhra Pradesh (BSEAP) at bse.ap.gov.in.

Here are the steps to apply for AP 10th class result revaluation/recounting:

  1. Visit the official website of BSEAP @ bse.ap.gov.in.
  2. Click on the “Student Services” Tab on the Homepage.
  3. From the Drop-Down Menu, select “Re-verification of Valued Answer Scripts” for Revaluation or “Recounting of Marks” for Recounting.
  4. Read the Instructions Carefully and Click on “Apply Online.”
  5. Fill in the Required Details Such as Roll Number, Date of Birth, Etc.
  6. Select the Subjects for which you want to Apply for Revaluation/recounting.
  7. Pay the Application Fee Online Using a Credit card/debit card/net banking.
  8. Submit the Application form and take a printout of the Same for Future Reference.

SSC Results / Marks Re-Valuation

Students who are dissatisfied with their grade can submit a detailed application for re-counting and revaluation.
Students would benefit from the process of re-verification carried out by the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Secondary Education.

  • The Applied student will receive a Xerox copy of the valued answer script following completion of the re-verification or revaluation answer papers.
  • Using Post. For the Betterment of the AP 10th Class Answer Sheets, BSEAP will release the re-verification application, revaluation or Recounting application form.
  • Two Months after the end of the Exams, the Andhra Pradesh Directorate of Government Examinations Announces the Results of the Revaluation.

How To Apply for AP SSC Recounting 2023

AP SSC Recounting Process for the Year 2023. However, I Can Give you a General idea of How to Apply for a Recount of your AP SSC Exam.

  1. Visit the official website of the AP Board of Secondary Education or the designated exam conducting authority.
  2. Look for the Notification Related to the Recounting process of the AP SSC Exam.
  3. Read the instructions and Eligibility Criteria Carefully to Ensure That you are eligible to apply for a Recount.
  4. Fill out the Application Form with the Required information and Submit it online or Through a prescribed Format.
  5. Pay the Application Fee, if Applicable.
  6. After submitting the Application form and Fee, wait for the Board to Announce the Recount Results.
  7. If the Recount Changes your Exam marks, the board will update your result accordingly.
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